
PDF Form Filler

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Option A: Want one PDF form:
1. Fill in the Excel of ID988a or ID988b or other ...;
2. Then copy the entire row (first to last column) from related Excel;
3. Then paste that entire row in the 'blank' input box;
4. Then click the PDF icon on the right hand side of the input box;
5. Wait 2 seconds which the PDF form will be generated;
6. Finally, the PDF form will be ready for you. Yeah!

Option B: Want multiple PDF forms:
1. Fill in the Excel of ID988a or ID988b or other ...;
2. Then select the type in the 'PDF form type list';
3. Then select the filled-in Excel file;
4. Then click the 'fill into' button on the right hand side;
5. Wait seconds which the PDF form will be generated;
6. Finally, the PDF forms will be ready for you. Yeah!